I want to help you meet your fitness goals!

Here's what's wrong with your workout: You're not doing it!

I'm Aaron Washington, a 37-year-old Warwick native with extensive training and experience in physical education, training and sports.

I want to help you meet your fitness goals.

Let's Deal in Reality!

We've all seen those tabloid headlines at the supermarket checkouts: ``Rub this cream on your body and melt away fat!`` or ``Lose 20 pounds without exercise or giving up your favorite foods.``

We all know this is fantasy, right?

Achieving fitness goals can only be accomplished through diet and exercise.

According to the Centers for Disease Control,

Almost 70%

Unless we make changes to lifestyle and diet that complement the work we’re doing in the gym, the best trainer in the world can’t help us.

Watching what you eat (and how much you eat) is on you.

But if you partner with me on the exercise side, working out can become a regular (and even enjoyable!) part of your life. In addition to helping you shed unwanted pounds, exercise can help you keep them off. It can also reduce stress, and increase joint flexibility while helping with muscle tone.

After we leave school, launch our careers and start families, the daily exercise we once took for granted often falls by the wayside. That’s why it sometimes helps to work with a trainer. Many of you will like the structure of scheduled workouts, which will push you to include exercise in your busy schedules. Others know that they will exercise better (and more often) if someone else is there to encourage them–and give them a little push when necessary.

Make exercise an integral -- and enjoyable -- part of YOUR life!

Link up with a knowledgeable and motivational personal coach, and start on the path toward the results you have long sought.


See what dozens of happy clients have to say: